iSTAR Moorings
Location of the 9 iSTAR moorings deployed in Feb 2012 by the crew of cruise ANA02C in collaboration with the Krea Polar Research Institute (KOPRI). 5 of the moorings were positioned at the ice shelf and 4 towards the front of Pine Island Glacier. Each iSTAR mooring is sub-surface to protect it from icebergs and surface activity. Mooring equipment includes:
- Aqualogger 520 PT temp./press. logger
- Aquadopp current metres
- ADCPs (acoustic Doppler current profilers) in buoy
- Aqualogger 520 PT temp./press. logger
- SBE-37 "Microcat cond./temp. logger
- IXSEA AR681 acoustic releases
- Glass floats
- Novatech xenon flash beacon
The moorings were collected in the Antarctic summer 2013-2014 by the science cruise on RRS James Clark Ross.
1. Webber, B. G. M., K. J. Heywood, D. P. Stevens, P. Dutrieux, E. P. Abrahamsen, A. Jenkins, S. S. Jacobs, H. K. Ha, S. H. Lee, and T. W. Kim (2017), Mechanisms driving variability in the ocean forcing of Pine Island Glacier, Nature Communications, 8, 14507. Available here
3. BODC iSTAR project metadata
Field photo
Waiting for a mooring to surface on JR294 cruise. Nicole Waite
Figure 1: Recovered iSTAR mooring #2 as deployed equipment and instrument setup BODC JR294 Cruise report