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iStar GIS Feature Library
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iSTAR GIS - All datasets
iSTAR GIS - Airborne
iSTAR GIS - Glacial
iSTAR GIS - Legacy
iSTAR GIS - Marine
Part of the British Antarctic Survey
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Airborne datasets
ASIRAS tracks
Radiosonde launch locations
Radiosonde tracks
Base layers
Bathymetry and MeASUREs ice velocity
GEBCO bathymetry (2014)
LIMA mosaic
Radarsat 2 RAMP 3 mosaic HH
Place names (USA and UK)
Fieldwork datasets
Automatic weather stations
Depot routes tracks
iSTAR Depot sites
iSTAR traverse route
Nunatak sampling locations
SKY-blu piston bully /tractor positions
Skidoo crevasse checks
Sky-Blu traverse route
Winter depot (2014)
Glacial datasets
ApRES (2013-2014)
Borehole temperatures (10 to 15m)
DELORES DEMs (2013-2014)
DELORES single/double frequency tracks (2013-2014)
Glacier front positions (2001-2016)
iSTAR GPS sites/stations (2013-2014)
Ice-shelf ApRES (2013-2014)
Ice-shelf pRES (2013-2014)
iCORES drill sites
iSTAR sites
Neutron probes
pRES (2013-2014)
Seismic lines (2014-2015)
Strain rate measurements (stakes)
Legacy datasets
ANTXXI/4 ship tracks (2006)
ANTXXVI/3 ship tracks (2010)
BAS flight C37 tracks (2011)
B31 Iceberg points and tracks
BBAS AGASEA flight ice thickness (m) points (2004-2005)
BBAS AGASEA flight tracks (2004-2005)
CRESIS flight tracks (2009-2014)
DELORES tracks (2007-2008)
DELORES (2011) survey tracks
GPS stations (2010-2011)
ITASE ice core locations
JR084 ship tracks (2005)
JR141 ship tracks (2006)
JR179 ship tracks (2008)
Matrix seismic lines (2006-2008)
NBP0702 ship tracks (2007)
NBP0901 ship tracks (2009)
NBP1005 ship tracks (2011)
NBP1202 ship tracks (2012)
NBP1210 ship tracks (2013)
US Ellsworth Highland Traverse (1960-1961)
Marine datasets
ANA02C ship tracks (2012)
ANA06B ship tracks (2016)
Autosub tracks (2009)
Autosub tracks (2014)
Autosub 2014 sea floor bathymetry
Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) profilers - JR294
iSTAR moorings
JR294 Ship tracks - 2014
Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (LADCPs) - JR294
Meteorological Data Logger - JR294
Moorings in Amundsen
Moving Vessel Profiler (MVP) - JR294
Seaglider SG10/SG579 tracks
Seal (Elephant & Weddell) dive profile tracks
Seal tagging (Elephant & Weddell) locations
Seal tagging (Elephant & Weddell) tracks
Vertical Microstructure Profiler - JR294
Remote sensing datasets
CryoSat-2 ground tracks
GRACE - Gravitational Mass Balance
Landsat imagery
MODIS imagery
RACMO Model (Surface Mass Balance)
Satellite altimeter elevation change - WAIS
Sentinel 1 imagery
Topographic datasets
Crevassed area
Ice feature catchments
InSAR grounding lines
Sub-Antarctic Coastline