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Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current profilers (LADCPs) - JR294


An RDI 300 kHz Workhorse Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP) was attached to the CTD frame on iSTAR cruise RRS James Clark Ross JR20140126 in the Amundsen Sea. The data were collected for the Ocean2ice (iSTAR A) project which is part of the Natural Environment Research Council funded iSTAR programme.

LADCP data was successfully collected from 102 casts in total recording pressure, eastward velocity and northward velocity data. The LADCP was configured to have 16 x 10 m bins, one ware track and one bottom track ping in a one second ensemble and a 5 m blank-to -surface.

LADCP specification:

- 300 KHz WH Monitor 15060

- Battery Pack

- Charger

- Cables

- AME Laptop (BBTalk)


1. BODC JR294 Cruise report

2. BODC iSTAR project metadata

3. iSTAR - Data from research cruise analysed

Field photo


An acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) is brought on board. Nicole Waite