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Meteorological Data Logger - JR294


Various meteorological measurements were carried out during the JR294 cruise. From 21th January 2014 to 4th march 2014 metrological data was collected automatically at 60 second intervals for several sensors.

This dataset presents a reduced resolution (5km) location points of air pressure measurements undertaken; for the full resolution data please see the links below. Measurements identified :

- Air pressure

- Solar Radiation

- Wind strength and direction

- Atmospheric humidity

- Horizontal spatial co-ordinates

- Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere

- Date and time

- Air temperature


1. BODC JR294 Cruise report

2. BODC JR294 Metadata report

3. BODC meteorology metadata report

Field photo

iSTAR meteorologial data logger

View of the JCR294 meteorological equipment at the front of the ship. Povl Abrahamsen, BAS