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Seaglider SG10/SG579 tracks


Seaglider SG510/SG579 position tracks following deployment on the RRS James Clark Ross science cruise (JR294) in the antarctic summer 2013-2014.

- SG510 was equipped with a standard sensor package (CT,DO, Wwtlabs and PAR) as well as an enahnced buoyancy engine.

- SG579 was equipped with a standard sensor package (CT,DO, Wwtlabs and PAR) as well as a standard buoyancy engine.

Sea glider sensor configuration :

- Seabird CT sail (SBE_CT_0212)

- Aanderaa oxygen (AA4330-807)

- Wetlabs Ecopuck (WL_BBFL2VMT-836)

- PAR (QSP2150-50144)


1. BODC JR294 Cruise report

2. BODC JR294 Metadata report

Field photo


Seaglider deployment into the Amundsen sea near Pine Island Glacier. iSTAR - seagliders are go