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Sub-Antarctic coastline


Seamless dataset for Sub-Antarctic region (50-60S). A compendium of three line datasets which should display well at all resolutions.

Most detailed data for Sub-Antarctic islands and S American coast. Provided as part of the ADD visualisation, but data not part of the ADD proper. South Georgia data taken from South Georgia GIS ([, Heard and Macquarie Islands data formerly in ADD version 5. Coastline polygons for: South America (south of -50), Falkland Islands/Malvinas, Bouvet Island (NO), Campbell Island (NZ), Auckland Island (NZ) taken from 1:10000000 datasets available on Natural Earth ( version 3.0.0.

Medium and low resolution datasets have had generalisations of 100m and 1km applied in ArcGIS.


1. South Georgia GIS

2. Natural Earth data