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3.2. Map controls (zooming and drag box)

The user can interact with the main map window by clicking and dragging to explore the map interface, as well as using the mouse wheel to zoom in and out. The main map window toolbar also contains these interactivity properties, as the user can zoom in, zoom out, and also zoom using the ‘zoom by dragging box’ option.

Zooming in and out map view

Figure 25: Zoom in and zoom out toolbar buttons available in main map window toolbar. ADD

To use the ‘zoom by dragging box’ tool, select the tool and drag an area of extent within the map window you would like to zoom to; once you have selected the desired area de-select the mouse and the map window will zoom to your designated area.

Drag zoom tool

Figure 26: Zoom by dragging tool showing the selected area extent to zoom to. This bounding box area will then be expanded in the current map window view. ADD