1. Main webmap header panel
To access all header panel tools the user must log into the web map services server using their username and password. For certain webmaps no user login is required but for webmaps with restricted datasets (e.g. iSTAR webmap) the user must login to access certain options (e.g. data download repository).
1.1. Place names and location button
1.2. Measure button
1.3. Inset overview button
1.4. Data download repository button
1.5. Load another map button
1.6. Favourite map button
1.7. User feedback button
1.8. Map information and credit button
2. Dataset navigation panel
The dataset navigation panels allows the user to interact with the dataset layer tree to access all datasets stored with the hierarchical layer tree. Datasets are categorised within their relevant theme e.g. Marine, Base layers and the user can open/close themes, folders and sub-folders to access their desired within the layer tree.
2.1. Search for data layer
2.2. Expand/collapse the layer tree
2.3. Metadata information icon
2.4. Drop down icon options
3. Map viewer window
The map viewer window comprises the main display of the map area and interface; allowing the user to explore the spatial extent of the datasets and interact with the dataset by zooming in/out, querying the dataset (clicking point/polyline/polygon/raster).
By using the dataset navigation panel to select the data the user can then see their desired dataset within the main map window.